It contains descriptions of physical principles, which are well supported by mathematical derivations of the equation, description of laboratory experiments, historical backgrounds, etc. It has a preface at the beginning and chapter-wise answers and solutions at the end. The best-covered topics are Basis of Vector, Trigonometry, and Calculus. But it requires a clear understanding of physics concepts and can be very time-consuming. So, though it is one of the best reference books, it is advised to read only in your free time as an extra resource. #Tata mcgraw hill physics iit jee pdf free# JEE ADVANCED BOOKS FOR MATHEMATICS Maths XI & XII by R.D. One of the best books in Mathematics for beginners, the two volumes include exercises that cover the entire syllabus of mathematics pertaining to IIT JEE advanced and other state level engineering examination preparation. These one-stop books have solved illustrative examples, which help in explaining the concepts better. Loney has given a clear explanation of fundamentals with solid background concepts. The best part of Plane Trigonometry Part 1 is its coverage on Heights, Distances, and Inverse Trigonometric functions.

It also has answers given at the end of the book, which are very accurate. This book is one of the finest pieces of work with the right mix of basics and standard problems. The best part is its coverage in Straight Lines and Circles. It has a good level of concepts and exercises for the complete syllabus of coordinate geometry pertaining to IIT JEE, AIEEE, and other state level engineering examination preparation. Higher Algebra includes lots of solved and unsolved examples, which offer excellent practice to students. The book comprises of chapters on ratios, proportion, arithmetical and geometrical progression, harmonic progression, scales of notation, permutations and combinations, partial fractions, the theory of numbers, and determinants.