I tend to be the groups rule lawyer since I pretty much know everything there is about the game, including even the most obscure material from source books (I'm in lawschool so it comes with the territory :P). I am a 22 year old graduate student who has been playing DnD for a little over a year now. Personally, I would be thrilled if you would open up some more books so we had a bit more freedom on our class and race choices.

I'm going to assume you will at least let us use all of the Core SRD including class variants and racial variants. The first session will be this Wednesday night. I look forward to reviewing your applications. My favorite class is a wizard, because they can do anything. I am familiar with most concepts pertaining to the game, but I also welcome judgment, should I make a mistake. I have experience with other systems and settings, and I really like to enrich the player in the experience, whether as GM or as a player. PLEASE NOTE: Sessions will take place during the week (Monday-Thursday) in the evening! I have been playing D&D for 10 or so years, starting with AD&D and on through NEXT. Be sure to include: Your name, how you learned about D&D, a brief description of your most recent/favorite character (why was s/he so interesting?), which role you see yourself best fulfilling, and your availability for weekly sessions. I would like to know more about you players, and have them know more about the people they expect to play with, so reply with a few details about yourself and your experience with D&D. It is assumed that the adventurer's will start out in game looking for the World's Largest Dungeon, which is rumored to be near the. It is encouraged that you give yourself personality traits. Players have access to the Player's Handbook (Core Rulebook I) and the Player's Handbook II for character creation. Do you have what it takes? We will begin at 1st level. Balance within a party comes down to players taking certain roles within the party I see these roles as follows: Tactician, Magic User, Defender, and Healer. Because this epic adventure will take place over multiple sessions that may go on over months of game sessions, I am looking for dedicated players as well.

Enough for an entire party to grow from levels 1 to 20." - Jim Pinto I am currently seeking 4-6 experienced players (3 yrs +).

Over 1,600 Encounters - A mammoth dungeon unlike any other! Every monster in the SRD - And a few you've never seen before!. GM looking for adventurers to brave the halls of the WORLDS' LARGEST DUNGEON! "THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED.